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Product Availability & Backorders


When a product page says there's zero in stock, that doesn't necessarily mean the item is sold out or on backorder. For the most accurate and up-to-date stock status, call our product specialists at 888-414-3726


Occasionally, an item is out of stock and is on backorder. If any part of an order is backordered, here's what you need to know:



  • Backordered items are charged in full at the point-of-sale, just like in-stock items. This is to reserve the item with the manufacturer or, in some cases, reserve an item that's made to order.
  • As soon as possible, we'll notify you via email if items are backordered and the estimated shipping date.
  • Within 1-2 days of the shipping date, we'll verify with the manufacturer or shipping warehouse that the date is still correct. We'll notify you via email of any additional delay.
  • If backordered items are confirmed as not shipped, the order CAN BE cancelled. Items that have left the manufacturer or original storage facility CANNOT be cancelled, as title is considered as passed to the customer.
  • To cancel a backordered item, contact customer service and we'll do our best to halt shipment. We'll confirm cancellation via phone or email, and credit or change your order.
Last Updated on Monday, 17 February 2014 09:59